{ "GENERAL": { "ICON": "Icon", "ALL": "All", "HELLO": "Hi", "AND": "And", "FROM": "From", "TO": "To", "CREATE": "Create", "EDIT": "Edit", "SAVE": "Save", "SAVE_AND_RESTART": "Save and reboot", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "CANCEL_ALT": "Cancel", "OKAY": "OK", "CONFIRM": "Confirm", "CHANGE": "Change", "DELETE": "Delete", "REMOVE": "Remove", "ADD": "Add", "CLOSE": "Close", "INSERT": "Insert", "UPGRADE": "Update", "RESET": "Reset", "BACK": "Back", "CHANGE_PAGE": "Change page", "SKIP": "Skip", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "CONTINUE_ALT": "Continue", "TRY_AGAIN": "Try again", "PRESS": "Press", "BUTTON_ENTER": "enter", "ACTIVE": "Active", "ACTIVATED": "Activated", "INACTIVE": "Inactive", "NOT_INSTALLED": "Not installed", "DO_NOTHING": "Do nothing", "DO_NOTHING_TEXT": "Use fixed calendar", "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "DOWNLOAD_NOW": "Download now", "EMAIL": "E-mail", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "E-mail", "SEND_EMAIL": "Send e-mail", "SEND_AS_EMAIL": "Send as e-mail", "CHOOSE_EMAIL": "Choose email", "USERNAME": "Username", "PASSWORD": "Password", "DOMAIN": "Domain", "NUMBER": "Number", "LOCAL_NUMBER": "Local number", "LOCAL_NUM": "Extension No.", "EXTERNAL_NUMBER": "External number", "PHONES": "Phones", "ALL_NUMBERS": "All numbers", "CALLING": "Calling", "CALLED": "Called", "CALL": "Call", "CALL_BACK": "Call back", "CALL_TO": "Call to", "CALL_PRIORITY": "Call priority", "CALL_WITH": "Call from", "TAKE_CALL": "Answer call", "END_CALL": "End call", "END_CALL_ALT": "Decline/End call", "ADD_TO_CALL": "Add to call", "DIRECT_RECONVERSION": "Direct transfer", "MONITORED_RECONVERSION": "Attended transfer", "RECONVERTED": "Transfered", "CANCEL_RECONVERSION": "Cancel transfer", "RECONVERSE_CALL": "Transfer call", "MUTE": "Mute", "HOLD": "Hold", "RESUME": "Resume", "LISTEN_TO": "Listen to", "QUEUE": "Queue", "TIME": "Time", "DURATION": "Duration", "WAIT": "Waiting time", "MIN": "min.", "SEC": "sec.", "TODAY": "Today", "CHOOSE": "Choose", "NOT_CHOOSEN": "Not chosen", "SEARCH": "Search", "SEARCH_IN_PERIOD": "Search in selected period", "CATEGORY": "Category", "CATEGORIES": "Categories", "CONTACTS": "Contacts", "ALL_CONTACTS": "All contacts", "COMMON_CONTACTS": "Shared contacts", "MOBILE_CONTACTS": "Mobile contacts", "EXCHANGE_CONTACTS": "Exchange contacts", "COLLEAGUES": "Colleagues", "EMPLOYEE": "Employee", "EMPLOYEE_DATA": "Employee info", "DEPERTMENTS": "Departments", "PROFILE": "Profile", "PROFILE_NAME": "Profile name", "CHOOSE_PROFILE": "Choose profile", "MY_PROFILES": "My profiles", "DESCRIPTION": "Description", "PROFILE_DESCRIPTION": "Profile description", "AKTIVE_PROFILE": "Current profile", "GO_TO_PROFILES": "Go to profiles", "AUTOMATIC_PROFILE_CHANGE": "Switch profiles automatically", "AUTOMATIC_PROFILE_CHANGE_SHORT": "Auto-switch profile", "MANUAL_PROFILE_CHANGE": "Switch profiles manually", "DEVICE": "Device", "BUSYLIGHT": "Busylight", "EXCHANGE": "Exchange", "CALENDAR": "Calendar", "FIXED_CALENDAR": "Fixed calendar", "EXPORT_CONTACTS": "Export contacts", "GO_TO_BRAND": "Go to Myfone", "READ_MORE": "Read more here.", "WORKDAYS": { "MONDAY": "Monday", "TUESDAY": "Tuesday", "WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday", "THURSDAY": "Thursday", "FRIDAY": "Friday", "SATURDAY": "Saturday", "SUNDAY": "Sunday" }, "MONTH_SHORT": { "JANUARY": "jan", "FEBRUARY": "feb", "MARCH": "mar", "APRIL": "apr", "MAY": "may", "JUNE": "jun", "JULY": "jul", "AUGUST": "aug", "SEPTEMBER": "sep", "OCTOBER": "oct", "NOVEMBER": "nov", "DECEMBER": "dec" }, "SMS": "SMS", "SEND_SMS": "Send SMS", "SEND_MESSAGE": "Send message", "WRITE_MESSAGE": "Message", "SEND_SMS_RECEIPT": "Send \"Sent SMS\" receipt to my email address", "NUM_OF_SYMBOLS": "Number of characters:", "YOUR_1": "Your", "YOUR_2": "Your", "WORK_PROFILE_NAME": "Work", "WORK_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION": "Current profile when at work.", "OFF_WORK_PROFILE_NAME": "Off hours", "OFF_WORK_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION": "Current profile when off hours.", "MEETING_PROFILE_NAME": "In a meeting", "MEETING_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION": "Current profile when in a meeting.", "EXCHANGE_STATUS": { "FREE": "Available", "TENATIVE": "Tenative", "BUSY": "Busy", "OUT_OF_OFFICE": "Out of office", "UNKNOWN": "Unknown", "WORKING_ELSEWHERE": "Working elsewhere" }, "LOGIN_WITH_MICROSOFT": "Sign in with Microsoft", "OR": "Or", "SETUP_MANUALLY": "Setup manually", "NOTE": "Note", "HIDDEN_NUMBER": "Hidden number", "AZURE_AD_FIELDS": { "JOB_TITLE": "Job title", "LOCATION": "Location", "PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone number", "fAX_NUMBER": "Fax number", "MOBILE_PHONE": "Mobile phone", "DEPARTMENT": "Department", "OFFICE": "Office" }, "LOOK_UP_NUMBER": "Look up number", "WEB_LOOKUP": "Web lookup", "DEFAULT_DEVICE": "Default Device", "DEFAULT_COMMUNICATIONS_DEVICE": "Default Communications Device" }, "LOGIN": { "REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat password", "STAY_SIGNED_IN": "Keep me signed in", "FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD": "Forgot my password", "NEW_CUSTOMER": "Not a Flexfone customer?", "LOGIN": "Sign in", "APP_STORE": "on App Store", "PLAY_STORE": "on Google Play", "DOWNLOAD_FREE": "Download free ", "BANNER_SHOW_APP": "SHOW", "PASSWORD_REQUIREMENT": "The password must include:

- Minimum 8 characters
- Minimum 1 capital letter
- Minimum 1 number", "ERROR": { "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "E-mail required", "EMAIL_VALID": "E-mail needs to be valid", "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Username required", "USERNAME_VALID": "Username needs to be valid", "USERNAME_INVALID": "Invalid username", "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password required", "INVALID_LOGIN": "Invalid login", "UNEXPECTED_ERROR": "Unexpected error", "INVALID_NUMBER": "Invalid number" }, "PASSWORD_RECOVERY": { "HEADER": "Enter your username or e-mail. We will then send you a link to create a new password.", "BUTTON": "Reset password", "EMAIL_SEND": "Mail/SMS sent", "BACK": "Back to login page", "INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Username or e-mail" }, "PASSWORD_RESET": { "HEADER": "Enter your new password. The password must include:

- Minimum 8 characters
- Minimum 1 capital letter
- Minimum 1 number", "BUTTON": "Create password", "BUTTON_SEND_NEW_LINK": "Send new link", "PASSWORD_UPDATED": "Your password has been updated.", "PASSWORD_HASH_EXPIRED": "Your password reset link has expired. Get a new link to reset your password", "INVALID_PASSWORD_LENGTH": "The password must be at least 8 characters.", "INVALID_PASSWORD": "The password must contain at least one number as well as uppercase and lowercase letters." }, "AD_AUTH": { "HEADER": "Enter your Myfone.dk user information to connect your Microsoft user to your Myfone user.", "HEADER_SUCCESS": "Your Microsoft user is now connected to your Myfone user. From now on you can sign in to Myfone.dk using your Microsoft login.", "HEADER_FAIL": "The entered Myfone user information is already connected to another Microsoft user." }, "FIRST_TIME_LOGIN": { "HEADER": "You have signed in to Myfone.dk for the first time. Enter the following information to create a Myfone user.", "ADHEADER": "Even though, you will log into Myfone.dk with your Microsoft AD user in the future, it is important that you enter a new password for your Myfone user.

Fill out the form below to complete the setup of your Myfone and Microsoft AD user.", "EMAIL_OPTIONAL": "E-mail (optional)", "CONFIRM_EMAIL_OPTIONAL": "Confirm e-mail (optional)", "BUTTON": "Create user", "PASSWORD_MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_USERNAME": "The password must not contain your username.", "INVALID_EMAIL": "The e-mail address is invalid." }, "NEW_DEVICE_MODAL": { "HEADER": "Confirm that it is you", "FIRST_TEXT": { "LINE_1": "Dear user", "LINE_2": "We are constantly working to enhance the security of our solution. We do this to prevent unauthorized access to Myfone.", "LINE_3": "Therefore, we ask you to confirm that it is you who is attempting to log in to Myfone.", "LINE_4": "You have just received a confirmation email/SMS. Follow the link therein to log in to Myfone.", "LINE_5": "We ask you to confirm your identity only this one time, unless you log in from another computer at an unknown location.", "LINE_6": "Thank you for helping us increase the security on Myfone.", "LINE_7": "Best regards" }, "NEW_TEXT": "We can see that you are attempting to log in to Myfone from another computer at an unknown location. For the security of your account, we kindly ask you to confirm your identity. You have received a confirmation email/SMS. Please follow the link therein to log in to Myfone.", "LOGIN": "Please try to log in again", "RESEND_INFO": "If you have not received an e-mail/SMS within 5 minutes, you can request a new one here.", "RESEND": "Resend e-mail/SMS", "RESEND_ERROR": "E-mail/SMS could not be sent. Contact your IT administrator.", "RESEND_SUCCESS": "E-mail/SMS has been sent." } }, "USER_NAV": { "SETTINGS": "Settings", "NEWS": "News", "RELOAD": "Reload Myfone", "LOGOUT": "Log out" }, "TITLE": { "HOME": "Home", "LATEST": "Latest", "LOGIN": "Login", "MYPHONE": "My phone", "PROFILES": "Profiles", "VOICEMAIL": "Voicemail", "SETTINGS": "Settings", "HELP": "Help", "ESIM": "eSIM QR code" }, "ACTION_BOX": { "NUM_PARTICIPANTS": "Conference call participants", "CALLING": "Calling...", "CHOOSE_DEVICE": "Choose calling device", "CHOOSE_SOUND_DEVICE": "Select audio device", "NO_PHONES": "You don’t have any registered phone devices", "NO_PHONES_DESCRIPTION": "You can’t choose a calling device, due to lack of phone devices", "INBOUND_CALL": "Incoming call", "PERSON_CALLED": "Calling person", "NO_CONTACTS_FOUND": "0 contacts found", "ADD_TO_CALL": "Add {text} to call", "ADD_TO_CALL_ACTION": "to add a phone number to an existing call", "DIRECT_RECONVERSION": "Direct transfer to", "DIRECT_RECONVERSION_ACTION": "to make a direct transfer to the entered number", "MONITORED_RECONVERSION": "attended transfer to", "MONITORED_RECONVERSION_ACTION": "to make an attended transfer to the entered number", "ON_HOLD": "On hold for", "NO_INFO": "No information", "SECRET_NUMBER": "Hidden number", "DECLINE_CALL": "Decline call", "END_CALL": "End call", "DIRECT_RECONVERSION_PLACEHOLDER": "Input name or number" }, "HOME": { "TITLE": "Home", "COMPANY_QUEUES": "Your company's queues", "QUEUES_SEARCH": "Search", "QUEUES_SEARCH_NORESULT": "No queues with that name", "QUEUES_EMPTY": "You have not chosen to display your company's queues.", "SHOW_ALL_QUEUES": "Show all queues", "BACK_TO_QUEUES": "Return to queue dashboard", "DETAILS": { "RECONVERSION_DONE": "Transfer pending", "ANSWER_COLLEAGUE": "Answer colleague’s phone", "CHOOSE_PHONENUMBER": "Choose phone number" }, "SEARCH": { "ALL_CONTACTS": "Search all contacts", "COLLEAGUES": "Search colleagues", "EXCHANGE": "Search Exchange contacts", "MOBILE": "Search mobile contacts", "COMMON": "Search shared contacts", "RESULTS": "results", "THERE_ARE": "There are", "IN_COLLEAGUES": "in Colleagues", "SEARCH_IN": "Search in " }, "CONTACTS": { "FAVORITES": "Favorites", "UNKNOWN": "Unknown", "COMMON_CONTACTS_EMPTY": "To utilize common contacts, you must contact your IT administrator.", "MOBILE_CONTACTS_EMPTY": "You can import the contacts from your phone by choosing Settings in your Myfone app." }, "CALENDAR": { "NOT_UPDATED": "Due to a change of password, Exchange is not able to update your calendar. Go to settings to reactivate your Exchange.", "EMPLOYEE_NOT_UPDATED": "{employeeName}s calendar is not updated.", "EMPLOYEES_CALENDAR": "{employeeName}s calendar", "CURRENT_STATUS": "Current status", "LOCATION": "Location", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "NOT_PUBLIC": "has not set a public calendar", "END": "End" }, "DEPARTMENT_SMS": { "SMS_ERROR": "The message could not be sent. Please try again", "SMS_SUCCESS": "The message has been sent to the selected department" } }, "QUEUE": { "NO_AGENTS": "This queue has no registered agents", "NO_AVAILABLE_AGENTS": "All agents are unavailable", "ALL_AGENTS_DND": "All agents are set to DND", "NO_PHONES": "You have no registered phone devices", "NO_PHONES_DESCRIPTION": "Due to lack of registered phone devices, you can’t register/remove them from this queue", "NUM_CALLS": "Total amount of calls today", "NUM_CALLS_SHORT": "calls today", "AVG_WAIT": "Avg. waiting time today", "AVG_WAIT_SHORT": "Avg. wait time", "ANSWERED_CALLS": "Answered calls", "UNANSWERED_CALLS": "Missed calls", "ADMINISTER_AGENTS": "Queue management", "SHOW_AGENTS": "Show agents", "HIDE_AGENTS": "Hide agents", "HIDE_QUEUE": "Hide queue", "QUEUE_HISTORY": "Queue call history", "GO_TO_QUEUE_HISTORY": "Go to queue call history", "IN_QUEUE": "In queue", "NONE_IN_QUEUE": "None in queue", "REGISTERED_AGENTS": "Registered agents", "STATUS": { "DND": "DND", "AVAILABLE": "Available", "BUSY": "Busy", "CALLING": "Calling", "EXTERNAL": "External", "UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable" }, "AGENT_AVAILABLE": "Available agents/not registered", "LOGON": "Log on", "UNVALID_NUMBER": "Must be a valid number", "SEARCH": "Search queues" }, "NOTE": { "HEADER": "Note", "PLACEHOLDER": "Sick or holiday for instance…", "EXPIRES": "Expires" }, "PROFILE_MANAGEMENT": { "MAKE_NEW_PROFILE": "Create new profile", "EDIT_PROFILE": "Edit profile {profileName}", "DELETE_PROFILE": "Delete profile {profileName}", "LOCKED_PROFILE_TEXT": "Your profiles are locked. Contact your administrator to make changes.", "DETAIL": { "NON_ACTIVE_NUMBERS_PART1": "The following numbers are not active:", "NON_ACTIVE_NUMBERS_PART2": "Await activation to gain full functionality.", "PROFILE_NAME_DESCRIPTION": "The name must be between 3 to 50 characters", "INBOUND_CALL_HEADER": "Incoming calls", "INBOUND": { "MUST_ALWAYS": "Always", "CALL_ON": "Initiate call on", "AFTER": "After", "ABBREVIATED_SECONDS": "Sec", "WITH_MESSAGE": "With the message", "VOICEMAIL": "Go to voicemail", "REDIRECT": "Forward to", "BUZY": "Give busy signal", "SPEAKS": { "STANDARD": "Standard", "NO_MESSAGE": "No message", "BUSY": "Do not disturb", "EATING": "Lunch break", "MEETING": "In a meeting", "FREE": "Off hours", "OUT_OF_THE_OFFICE": "Out of office", "HOLIDAY": "Holiday", "ON_THE_ROAD": "On the road", "SICK": "Sick" }, "ALL": "Call on all devices" }, "OUTBOUND_CALL_HEADER": "Outgoing calls", "OUTBOUND": { "NO_PHONES": "You have no registered phone devices", "NO_PHONES_DESCRIPTION": "You can’t assign outgoing call handling, due to lack of phone devices", "CALLS_FROM": "Outgoing calls from {deviceName} display:", "INACTIVE": "(inactive)" }, "QUEUE_HEADER": "Profile based queue registration/removal", "QUEUE": { "REMOVE_DEVICE": "Remove {deviceName} from queue {queueName}", "ADD_PHONE": "+Add phone" }, "MODAL": { "HEADER": "Choose function", "NAVIGATION": { "CALLFLOW": "Variable callflow", "COUNTRYCODE": "Country code", "ONEUSER": "Colleague", "OPENINGHOURS": "Opening hours", "QUEUE": "Queue", "SPEAK": "Speak", "PHONENUMBER": "Phone number", "VOICEMENU": "Dial menu", "SPEEDDIAL": "External number" }, "HEADERS": { "CALLFLOW": "Choose the variable callflow you wish to forward to", "COUNTRYCODE": "Choose the country code management you wish to forward to", "ONEUSER": "Choose the employee you wish to forward to", "OPENINGHOURS": "Choose the opening hours you wish to forward to", "QUEUE": "Choose the queue you wish to forward to", "SPEAK": "Choose the speak you wish to forward to", "PHONENUMBER": "Choose the phone number you wish to forward to", "VOICEMENU": "Choose the dial menu you wish to forward to", "SPEEDDIAL": "Choose the external number you wish to forward to" } } }, "MY_PROFILES": { "HEADER": "Automatic or manual?", "SUBHEADER": "You choose whether your profiles switch automatically or manually", "EXCHANGE_TEXT": "Your profiles switch automatically to fit the appointments from your Exchange-calendar. If you don’t have an appointment in a certain timeframe, the switch between profiles will be according to your fixed calendar.", "FIXED_CALENDAR_TEXT": "If you haven’t set up your Exchange calendar with Myfone, or if there’s a certain timeframe in your Exchange calendar without an appointment, your profiles will switch according to your fixed calendar.", "MANUAL_PROFILE_TEXT": "You can switch your profiles manually if you don’t wish for them to switch automatically." }, "FIXED_CALENDAR": { "HEADER": "Your fixed calendar profiles:", "SUBHEADER": "You can see how your profiles switch according to your fixed calendar here. Your fixed calendar has no restrictions towards editing.", "ADD_TIMEPERIOD": "Add timeframe" }, "EXCHANGE": { "HEADER": "Your Exchange calendar profiles:", "SUBHEADER_1": "If an appointment isn't categorized the “Appointment without categorization” option will be used.", "SUBHEADER_2": "If there is no appointments present in your calendar, your profiles will switch to the default fixed calendar.", "TOOLTIP_FOOTER_1": "If there’s more than one appointment in a given timeframe, the topmost category decides which profile will be used.", "TOOLTIP_FOOTER_2": "You can edit the priority of your appointments under settings.", "EVENT_EDIT": "This is where you manage your daily routine. Remember that it’s not possible to have a timeframe with no current profile. In case of such, either your Work- or Off hours-profile will be active within that timeframe.", "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION": "If your Exchange calendar is set up to use categories, your profiles are available to switch accordingly.", "DESCRIPTION_HEADER": "This is how profiles with Exchange works:", "NO_EXCHANGE_TEXT": "If Exchange is not configured, Myfone will use your fixed calendar", "EXCHANGE_TEXT": "Exchange gives you the opportunity to let your categories handle the switch between profiles" }, "MODAL": { "HEADER": "You are about to delete a profile", "TEXT": "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?" }, "GUIDE": { "HEADER_1": "Welcome to your new profiles", "TEXT_1": "This is your overview of your new profiles created by us.

These are considered standard profiles, of which you can edit but not delete.", "HEADER_2": "More profiles", "TEXT_2": "It’s possible for you to create more profiles to match your personal preferences.", "HEADER_3": "Automatic switch of profiles", "TEXT_3": "With automatic switch of profiles enabled, your profiles will switch automatically according to this priority." }, "TIMED_SWITCH": { "ACTIVE_UNTIL": "Is active until", "ACTIVE_UNTIL_DATE_FORMAT": "D. MMMM HH:mm", "CHANGES_TO": "Then switch to", "MODAL": { "TITLE": "Schedule profile switch", "DESCRIPTION": "Here you can set the time for how long {profile} should be active.", "ACTIVE_UNTIL": "Should be active until", "CHANGE_TO": "Then switch to" } } }, "EXCHANGE_SETTINGS": { "SETUP": { "HEADER": "Set up Exchange", "SUBHEADER_1": "Set up your Exchange to make your profiles switch according to your categorized appointments.", "SUBHEADER_2": "Set up your Exchange to make your calendar visible to your colleagues", "BUTTON": "Set up Exchange calendar" }, "SYNC_CATEGORIES": { "HEADER": "Synchronize Exchange", "SUBHEADER": "Synchronize your Exchange calendar to make your profiles switch according to your appointments by category", "BUTTON": "Synchronize Exchange categories" }, "SYNC_EXCHANGE": { "HEADER": "Synchronize Exchange", "SUBHEADER": "Synchronize your Exchange to make your calendar visible to your colleagues", "BUTTON": "Synchronize Exchange calendar" }, "SIMPLE": { "HEADER": "Exchange contacts", "SUBHEADER": "Synchronize your Exchange contacts with Myfone", "BUTTON": "Synchronize Exchange", "BUTTON_IF_ACTIVE": "Synchronize Exchange contacts", "UNLOADED_CONTACTS": "Your Exchange contacts will automatically be synchronized to this group" }, "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter e-mail (required)", "DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter domain", "PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter password (required)" }, "CALL_HISTORY": { "HEADER": "Call history", "INBOUND": "Incoming", "OUTBOUND": "Outgoing", "UNANSWERED": "Missed calls", "QUEUE_CALL": "Kø kald", "CALL_TO": "Call {number}", "LOOK_UP_NUMBER": "Look up number ({number})", "NO_NUMBER": "Calling number could not be found.", "NO_NUMBERS": "You have no latest calls", "UNKNOWN_DATE": "Unknown date", "TODAY_AT": "Today at", "YESTERDAY_AT": "Yesterday at", "AT": "at", "PAGE_COUNTER": "per page" }, "QUEUE_CALL_HISTORY": { "ANSWERED_BY": "Answered by", "NUM_NOT_HANDLED": "{amount, select, 1 {1 unhandled call} other {{amount} unhandled calls}}", "NO_CALLS": "There are no queue calls", "ALL_CALLS": "All calls", "HANDLING": "Handling", "HANDLED_CALLS": "Handled calls", "HANDLED": "Handled", "HANDLED_BY": "Handled by", "UNHANDLED_CALLS": "Unhandled calls", "UNHANDLED": "Not handled", "HANDLING_IN_PROGRESS": "Handling in progress", "HANDLING_IN_PROGRESS_BY": "Handling in progress by" }, "VOICEMAIL": { "HEADER": "Messages", "LEARN": "Learn more about voicemail", "LEARN_MODAL": { "QUESTION_1": "How do I access my voicemail through my phone?", "ANSWER_1_A": "You can always access your voicemail through your mobile or desk phone by calling 69132323.", "ANSWER_1_B": "You can also gain access to your voice messages by downloading our Myfone app.", "QUESTION_2": "Is it possible to check my voicemail abroad?", "ANSWER_2": "When abroad, access is still available by calling 004569132323.", "QUESTION_3": "How to find my voicemail password?", "ANSWER_3": "If you call the number 69132323 from your mobile device and press 4, you will enter a menu that gives you the possibility to make a password (if you have forgotten your existing password, you can always make a new one).", "QUESTION_4": "Is it possible to access my voicemail by phone if the phone isn’t registered at Flexfone ?", "ANSWER_4": "Yes, just call the number 69132323 and you will be asked to enter your phonenumber and voicemail password for access.", "QUESTION_5": "How to change my voicemail greeting?", "ANSWER_5": "You call the number 69132323 from your phone and press 2 which will give you the possibility to change the greeting.", "QUESTION_6": "Is it possible to save voice messages in my voicemail?", "ANSWER_6": "Yes, the voice message will be saved by pressing 3 after you’ve played the message and gives you the opportunity to play it back later on.", "QUESTION_7": "Is it possible to fast forward in case of a long voice message?", "ANSWER_7": "Yes, by pressing 6 during the voice message you will skip a couple of seconds and you can fast forward to the end of the voice message by pressing 5.", "QUESTION_8": "Is it possible to start over if I missed the beginning of the voice message?", "ANSWER_8": "Yes, you rewind the voice message by pressing 4.", "SHOW_DIAGRAM": "Show diagram", "GUIDE_HEADER": "Flexfone voicemail guide" }, "NO_VOICEMAILS": "You have no new messages" }, "BLF": { "BLANK": "Blank", "CHOOSE_FUNCTION": "Choose function", "CHOOSE_DESCRIPTION": "Choose the function of your hotkeys by pressing", "EXP40_CONNECTED": "(EXP40 connected)", "EXP40_PANEL": "EXP40 Panel", "SETUP_YOUR": "Setup your", "RESTART_PHONE": "and reboot phone", "NAVIGATION": { "ONEUSER": "Colleagues", "QUEUE": "Log on/off queue", "PROFILE": "Profiles", "CALLFLOW": "Variable callflows", "PROFILE_CHANGE": "Automatic switch of profiles", "SPEEDDIAL": "External Number", "BLANK": "Blank", "MANUAL": "Manual setup" }, "CHOOSE_ONEUSER": "Choose colleague", "CHOOSE_SPEEDDIAL": "Choose external number", "CHOOSE_CALLFLOW": "Choose callflow", "CHOOSE_QUEUE": "Choose queue", "CHOOSE_PROFILE": "Choose profile", "CHOOSE_PROFILE_CHANGE": "Choose Automatic switch of profiles", "CHOOSE_BLANK": "Choose blank", "CHOOSE_MANUAL": "Choose manual setup", "CUSTOM_LABEL": "Own label (optional)", "PROFILE_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION": "This function gives you the possibility of turning automatic switch of profiles on/off through your desk phone.", "BLANK_DESCRIPTION": "The blank option deletes the existing setup for the chosen hotkey.", "MANUAL_DESCRIPTION": "The manual setup option DOES NOT delete the setup for the hotkey made directly through the desk phone.", "DSS_KEY": "DSS Key" }, "PROFILE_GUIDE": { "GENERAL": { "OPTION_ONE": "My phone must be reached", "OPTION_TWO": "My phone must not be reached", "OPTION_TWO_SUBOPTION_TWO": "My phone must say busy here", "OPTION_THREE": "The call must be forwarded to the company main number", "PROFILE_WORK": "Work", "PROFILE_MEETING": "In a meeting", "PROFILE_OFF_WORK": "Off hours" }, "SKIP_GUIDE": { "TEXT": "Skipping this guide will automatically generate the profiles shown below. We have set your working hours to be 8:00 - 16:00 on weekdays. You can adjust this later on.", "BUTTON": "OK" }, "STEP_ONE": { "TEXT": "We will now set up your profiles, so that incoming and outgoing calls act – as you prefer.", "SUBHEADER": "Welcome to Myfone.dk", "TEXT_SMALL": "(You can edit your profiles afterwards)" }, "STEP_TWO": { "TEXT": "Which numbers are in use during your off hours?", "BUTTON": "None of my numbers are in use during my off hours" }, "STEP_THREE": { "TEXT": "When in a meeting, how do you wish for your phone to act?", "OPTION_ONE_NOTE": "Missed calls will be forwarded to a voicemail informing that you’re in a meeting.", "OPTION_TWO_SUBOPTION_ONE": "It must be forwarded to my voicemail informing that I’m: \"In a meeting…\"", "OPTION_TWO_SUBOPTION_TWO": "My phone must say busy here" }, "STEP_FOUR": { "TEXT": "If you recieve a call on your work numbers when you are out of office, how must your phone act?", "OPTION_ONE_NOTE": "Missed calls will be forwarded to a voicemail informing that you’re off hours.", "OPTION_TWO_SUBOPTION_ONE": "It must be forwarded to my voicemail, informing that I’m: \"Out of office\"" }, "STEP_FIVE": { "TEXT": "Which phone numbers do you wish to present outgoing?", "OPTION_WORK_CELL": "When at work and making an outgoing call from my mobile phone({deviceDescription})", "OPTION_OFF_WORK_CELL": "When off hours and making an outgoing call from my mobile phone ({deviceDescription})", "WHEN_CALLING_FROM": "When making an outgoing call from my", "DEVICE_DESKPHONE": "Desk phone", "DEVICE_BROWSER": "Browser (Myfone)", "DEVICE_TEAMS": "Microsoft Teams" }, "STEP_SIX": { "TEXT": "When are your working hours?", "OPTION_TEXT_ONE": "I get to work at ", "OPTION_TEXT_TWO": "  off hours start at ", "BUTTON": "This is correct" }, "STEP_SEVEN": { "TEXT": "We are setting up your profiles…", "PROFILE_WORK": "Work profile...", "PROFILE_MEETING": "In a meeting profile...", "PROFILE_OFF_WORK": "Off hours profile..." }, "STEP_EIGHT": { "HEADER": "Done!", "TEXT": "You will now be redirected to the profile dashboard..." } }, "HELP": { "HEADER": "Help", "MENU": { "GENERAL": { "BRAND": "What are my Myfone options", "FAQ": "Frequently asked questions" }, "PROFILES": { "HEADER": "Profiles", "PROFILES": "Profile guide", "AUTOMATIC_PROFILE_CHANGE": "Automatic switch of profile guide" }, "CALL_WITH_BRAND": { "HEADER": "Call with Myfone", "CALL_WITH_BRAND": "Call with Myfone guide" }, "APP": { "HEADER": "Myfone app", "APP": "Myfone app guide" } }, "MENU_ITEM_CONTENT": { "BRAND": { "HEADER": "What are my Myfone options?", "TEXT": "Myfone is packed with functionality to make your work day easier. Wath the video below and learn more about all the possibilities.", "VIDEO_TEXT": "See all the possibilities" }, "PROFILES": { "HEADER": "Profile guide", "VIDEO_TEXT": "Read profile guide" }, "AUTOMATIC_PROFILE_CHANGE": { "HEADER": "Automatic switch of profile guide", "VIDEO_TEXT": "Read Automatic switch of profile guide" }, "CALL_WITH_BRAND": { "HEADER": "Call with Myfone guide", "VIDEO_TEXT": "Read Call with Myfone guide" }, "APP": { "HEADER": "Myfone app guide", "VIDEO_TEXT": "Read more about the Myfone app" } } }, "SETTINGS": { "GENERAL": { "GENERAL_SETTINGS": "General settings", "USER_SETTINGS": "Account settings", "CALL_WITH_BRAND": "Call with Myfone", "WEB_LOOKUP": "Web lookup", "OPTION_SELECT": "All", "LANGUAGE": "Language" }, "HEADER": "Myfone settings", "MENU": { "INTEGRATIONS": "Integrations", "DOWNLOAD": "Download" }, "MENU_ITEM_CONTENT": { "CALL_WITH_BRAND": { "LOCKED_PROFILE_TEXT": "You cannot activate/deactivate the calling feature in Myfone as your profiles are locked. Contact your administrator to make changes.", "CALL_FUNCTION": "Activate Call with Myfone:", "SOUND_DEVICES": { "HEADER": "Audio devices", "SETTINGS_HEADER": "Sound settings", "TEXT": "Set up which audio devices your computer should use, when making calls with Myfone", "OPTION_ONE_TEXT": "Audio device", "OPTION_TWO_TEXT": "Ringtone", "VOLUME": "Volume" }, "LISTENING_IN_ON_CALL": { "TEXT": "Your Myfone localnumber" }, "JABRA": { "HEADER": "Answer calls on Jabra headset", "TEXT_ONE": "This feature is only available in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge", "DEVICE_SELECTION_ERROR": "Could not select headset", "CONNECT": "Show devices", "CONNECTED_TO": "Connected to", "FORGET_DEVICE": "Disconnect", "GUIDE_HEADER": "Your Jabra headset", "GUIDE_BODY1": "On Friday, we are launching a new and improved way to connect your Jabra headset. You don't need to do anything now, but on Friday you need to reconnect your headset. We will remind you.", "GUIDE_BODY2": "Tomorrow we are launching a new and improved way to connect your Jabra headset. You don't need to do anything now, but on Friday you need to reconnect your headset. We will remind you.", "GUIDE_BODY3": "Today we are launching a new and improved way to connect your Jabra headset. This means that you will need to reconnect your Jabra headset for it to work.", "GUIDE_GOTO1": "Read more here", "GUIDE_GOTO2": "Connect your headset now" }, "IS_TEAMS": { "IS_TEAMS_TEXT_ONE": "Unfortunately, the Myfone softphone is not available in the Myfone app for Teams as Microsoft Teams has its own native softphone.", "IS_TEAMS_TEXT_TWO": "Therefore, if you are using the Teams integration from Flexfone, be sure to choose \"Microsoft Teams\" as your calling device.", "IS_TEAMS_TEXT_THREE": "If your company does not utilise the Teams integration from Flexfone, we kindly refer you to your Flexfone reseller for further information." }, "RINGTONE_SOUND_OFF": "Turn off ringtone", "SYSTEM_SOUND_OFF": "Activate hang up sound" }, "ESIM": { "PLAIN_TEXT": "If you have ordered an eSIM for your mobile subscription, you can find the QR code below, which you will need to register the eSIM on your mobile phone.", "LINK_TEXT": "You can read more about how to use eSIM here.", "BARRING_CODE": "Barring code", "BARRING_CODE_NUMBER": "Phone number", "QR_CODE": "QR code", "SHOW_QR_CODE": "Show QR code", "YOUR_QR_CODE": "Your QR code", "QR_CODE_TEXT": "You will be sent to a new page where you will need to log in again.", "GET_QR_ERROR": "Error loading QR code. Reload the page.", "GUIDE_HEADER": "Your eSIM", "GUIDE_BODY": "The QR code that you need to scan to activate your eSIM is ready.", "GUIDE_GOTO": "Go to QR code", "GUIDE_CLOSE": "Don’t show again" }, "GENERAL_SETTINGS": { "CALL_WAITING": "Call waiting", "CALL_WAITING_DESCRIPTION": "The Call waiting function gives you the opportunity to switch between two ongoing calls and prevents people from reaching your voicemail, when contacted while there’s an ongoing call.", "ACTIVATE_CALL_WAITING": "Activate Call waiting function", "LANGUAGE_HEADER": "Language", "LANGUAGE_LABEL": "Choose language", "SELECT_OPTION_DANISH": "Danish", "SELECT_OPTION_ENGLISH": "English", "SELECT_OPTION_GERMAN": "German", "SHORTCUTS_HEADER": "Shortcuts", "ACTIVATE_SHORTCUTS": "Activate shortcuts", "NAVIGATION_HEADER": "General navigation within the softphone", "ACTIVE_CALL_HEADER": "Shortcuts during an active call", "BUTTONS": { "SPACE": "Space", "ENTER": "Enter", "UP_ARROW": "Up arrow", "DOWN_ARROW": "Down arrow", "ESC": "Esc" }, "ACTIONS": { "OPEN": "Activate softphone", "NAV_UP": "Navigate upwards", "NAV_DOWN": "Navigate downwards", "CHOOSE": "Choose contact/number", "CLOSE": "Reset search field" }, "MICROSOFT_AD": "Microsoft login", "MICROSOFT_BUTTON_DEACTIVATE": "Deactivate Microsoft login" }, "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS": { "HEADER": "Your user credentials", "PROFILE_IMAGE": "Profile image", "NEW_PROFILE_IMAGE": "New profile image", "CHOOSE_IMAGE": "Choose image", "DELETE_IMAGE": "Delete image", "SAVE_IMAGE": "Save image", "PROFILEIMAGE_MICROSOFT": "Profile image is downloaded from Microsoft login", "INSERT_NEW_PASSWORD": "Enter new password", "CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password", "NEW_PASSWORD": "New password:", "REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat new password:", "CHANGE_EMAIL": "Edit e-mail", "CREATE_EMAIL": "Create e-mail", "REPEAT_EMAIL": "Confirm new e-mail", "NEW_EMAIL": "Enter new e-mail", "EDIT_USERNAME": "Edit Username", "NEW_USERNAME": "New Username", "ENTER_USERNAME": "Enter new Username", "CONFIRM_USERNAME": "Confirm Username", "EXPORT_CONTACTS_TEXT": "Export all your mobile contacts, shared contacts and Exchange contacts as a CSV file.", "PROFILEIMAGE_UPDATE_SUCCESS_NOTOFICATION": "Profile image updated", "PROFILEIMAGE_ERROR_FETCHING": "Error fetching profile image. Try again", "PROFILEIMAGE_AUTH_INVALID": "Login credentials have expired. Please login again to update profile image", "EDIT_EMPLOYEE_INFO": "Edit employee info", "N_B": "N.B. Information filled out in these spaces will be visible for your colleagues.", "ERROR_USERNAME_MIS_MATCH": "The usernames do not match. Try again.", "ERROR_USERNAME_TOO_SHORT": "The username is too short. Enter at least 5 characters.", "ERROR_USERNAME_ALREADY_IN_USE": "The username already exists.", "ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID": "The username contains invalid characters.", "ERROR_EMAIL_MIS_MATCH": "The e-mail addresses do not match. Try again.", "ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID": "The e-mail address is invalid.", "ERROR_ALREADY_IN_USE": "The e-mail address already exists.", "ERROR_PASSWORD_MIS_MATCH": "The passwords do not match. Try again." }, "EXCHANGE": { "HEADER": "Exchange settings", "INACTIVE_ERROR": "An error has occurred that prevented the Exchange integration from functioning correctly. Please Reactivate.", "BUTTON_SETUP": "Set up Exchange", "BUTTON_ACTIVATE_IMPERSINATION": "Activate Exchange", "BUTTON_REACTIVATE": "Reactivate Exchange", "BUTTON_EDIT": "Edit", "BUTTON_DEACTIVATE": "Deactivate Exchange", "BUTTON_CALENDAR_SYNC": "Synchronize Exchange calendar", "BUTTON_CATEGORIES_SYNC": "Synchronize Exchange categories", "PERMISSIONS_HEADER": "Exchange permissions", "CALENDAR_SHARING": "Shared Exchange calendar", "CALENDAR_SHARING_TEXT": "Allow your colleagues to see your calendar", "CALENDAR_SHARE_LABEL": "Shared calendar", "CALENDAR_SHARE_LABEL_OPTION": { "HIDE": "Hide calendar", "DISPLAY_OCCUPIED": "Show all appointments as busy", "DISPLAY_PRIVATE_OCCUPIED": "Show private appointments as busy" }, "CATEGORIES_HEADER": "Exchange categories", "CATEGORIES_TEXT": "You can administrate your profiles using categories.", "CATEGORIES_TEXT_SYNCED": "You can administrate your categories, using categories from Exchange. If there are multiple categories simultaneously, the category with the highest priority will be active.", "NO_CATEGORIES": "Appointments without categories", "MODAL": { "HIDE_CALENDAR": "Hide Calendar", "SHOW_ALL_BUSY": "Show all appointments as busy", "SHOW_PRIVATE_BUSY": "Show private appointments as busy", "SYNC_TEXT": "synchronizing contacts may take a few minutes...", "SYNC_DONE_HEADER": "Your categories", "SYNC_DONE_TEXT": "We have downloaded your categories from Exchange. Your categories must now be matched with your profiles. The top category, is first priority if there are multiple appointments in the same timeframe in your calendar. You can change the priority, by dragging categories up/down.", "APPOINTMENTS_WITHOUT_CATEGORY": "Appointments without Category" } }, "WEBLOOKUP": { "OPEN_AUTOMATICALLY": "Open automatically on incoming calls", "ALLOW_IN_BROWSER": "To be able to open multiple web lookups automatically you need to allow it in your browser.", "MYFONE_FAQ_LINK": "https://faq.flexfone.dk/en/allow-multiple-automatic-web-lookups", "BIZFONE_FAQ_LINK": "https://faq.mobikom.dk/index.php/knowledge-base/tillad-flere-automatiske-webopslag" }, "DOWNLOAD": { "MENU_ITEM": "Clients and applications", "SMS_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "SMS sent. It may take up to 2 minutes before you receive the SMS.", "SMS_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Failed to send SMS. Please try again.", "APPLICATIONS": { "WINDOWS_CLIENT": { "NAME": "Myfone client for Windows", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone client for Windows.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone client for Windows. You can read more about the client here and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone client for Windows. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions." }, "MAC_CLIENT": { "NAME": "Myfone client for MacOS", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone client for MacOS.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone client for MacOS. You can read more about the client here and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone client for MacOS. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions." }, "IOS_APP": { "NAME": "Myfone app for iOS", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone app for iOS.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone app for iOS. You can read more about the app here and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone app for iOS. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "STORE_BUTTON": "Go to App Store" }, "ANDROID_APP": { "NAME": "Myfone app for Android", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone app for Android.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone app for Android. You can read more about the app here and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone app for Android. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "STORE_BUTTON": "Go to Google Play" }, "TEAMS_APP": { "NAME": "Myfone Teams app", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone app for Microsoft Teams.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone app for Microsoft Teams. You can read more about the app here and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone app for Microsoft Teams. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions." }, "CHROME_EXTENSION": { "NAME": "Myfone Chrome extension", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone Chrome extension for the Chrome browser.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone Chrome extension for the Chrome browser. You can read more about the extension here, and if you have any questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone Chrome extension for the Chrome browser. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions." }, "BUSYLIGHT": { "NAME": "Myfone Busylight", "BODY": "Here you can download the Myfone Busylight app so that your Busylight can be synchronized with your call status.", "MYFONE_BODY": "Download the Myfone Busylight app so that your Busylight can be synchronized with your call status. You can read more about the app here, and if you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "BIZFONE_BODY": "Download the Bizfone Busylight app so that your Busylight can be synchronized with your call status. If you have questions, you can find answers in our Frequently asked questions.", "TEAMS_BODY": "Download the app Myfone Busylight from outside Teams at Myfone.dk here." } } } } }, "BRANDING": { "NOISE_GREETING": "Hi", "EXCHANGE": "Is your Exchange set to use two factor authentication?" }, "INDEX": { "ALLOW_MIC": "Allow use of microphone", "ALLOW_NOTIFICATIONS": "Allow notifications", "NO_MIC": "You can’t handle a call without a microphone", "BROWSER_MIC_ACCESS": "For call handling through Myfone your browser must have access to the microphone.", "NO_SOFTPHONE": "The selected device cannot be used", "MISSING_MIC_AND_AUDIO": "The call handling through Myfone cannot be used without a microphone and speakers (headset). Please ensure the following:", "CHECKLIST_1": "Your microphone is connected correctly at the designated input in your computer.", "CHECKLIST_2": "Make sure that your microphone is connected correctly at the designated input in your computer.", "CHECKLIST_3": "Still experiencing issues? Contact your reseller, who is ready to help you through the setup", "CHANGE_BROWSER": "Use a supported browser", "SUPPORTED_BROWSERS": "Myfone is thoroughly tested in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox. therefore, you may experience missing functionality and/or unexpected behaviour by continuing in this browser.", "SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_SUGGESTION": "We recommend that you download and use one of the following browsers:", "BROWSERS": { "CHROME": "Download Google Chrome", "FIREFOX": "Download Mozilla Firefox", "EDGE": "Download Microsoft Edge" }, "UNKNOWN_BROWSER_HEADER": "We don’t recognize your choise of browser", "UNKNOWN_BROWSER_TEXT": "We have detected a browser choise that we are not familiar with. Due to that we cannot guarantee the page is correctly displayed. We encourage you to choose a different browser next time you visit this page, if this is the case.", "FIRST_TIME_WELCOME": "Welcome to Myfone", "FIRST_TIME_USER_PANEL": "Here you can switch profiles and make calls", "FIRST_TIME_FUNCTIONS": "Here are all the Myfone features", "FIRST_TIME_HELP": "", "ENTER_ANYWAY": "OK, let me enter!", "OLD_BROWSER_HEADER": "Issues regarding your browser version", "OLD_BROWSER_TEXT_1": "Unfortunately this page does not support your browser version as it seems dated. The technology Myfone.dk is using needs a later browser version to function correctly. We recommend that you update to the latest version and try again.", "OLD_BROWSER_TEXT_2": "We support the following browser versions (min. req.)", "AUDIO_PROBLEMS": "Experiencing sound issues?", "AUDIO_PROBLEMS_HEADER": "Setup the correct sound approval", "AUDIO_PROBLEMS_TEXT": "If sound approval isn’t configured correctly in {currentBrowser}, it may cause poor quality of sound during call handling.", "AUDIO_PROBLEMS_SUBHEADER": "To fix the problem you must do the following:", "CHROME_AUDIO_PROBLEMS_LIST_1": "Click the lock in the leftmost top corner and then click “website settings”", "CHROME_AUDIO_PROBLEMS_LIST_2": "Locate the “Sound” section, and click “Allow” in the dropdown menu.", "EDGE_AUDIO_PROBLEMS_LIST_1": "Click the lock in the leftmost top corner and then click “Permissions for this website”", "EDGE_AUDIO_PROBLEMS_LIST_2": "Press the “Cookies and web permissions”.", "EDGE_AUDIO_PROBLEMS_LIST_3": "Locate the “automatically play media” setting, and click “Allow” in the dropdown menu.", "NAVIGATION": { "QUEUE": "Queue and contacts dashboard.", "PROFILE": "Profile management", "CALL_HISTORY": "Call history", "QUEUE_CALL_HISTORY": "Queue call history", "PHONE": "Voicemail", "BLF": "Phone setup", "HELP": "Help", "SETTINGS": "Settings" }, "ELECTRON_MODAL": { "HEADER": "New version available", "TEXT": "A new version of Myfone is available. The new version includes bug fixes and is necessary for future automatic updates with new functionality." } }, "DEVICE_TYPES": { "ASSISTANT_PHONE": "Assistant", "BUSINESS_FAX": "Fax (work)", "BUSINESS_PHONE": "Work", "BUSINESS_PHONE_2": "Work 2", "CALLBACK": "Callback", "CAR_PHONE": "Car", "COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE": "Company", "HOME_FAX": "Fax (private)", "HOME_PHONE": "Private", "HOME_PHONE_2": "Private 2", "ISDN": "ISDN", "MOBILE_PHONE": "Mobile phone", "MOBILE_PHONE_2": "Mobile phone 2", "OTHER_FAX": "Other fax", "OTHER_TELEPHONE": "Other", "PAGER": "Pager", "PRIMARY_PHONE": "Primary", "RADIO_PHONE": "Radio", "TELEX": "Telex", "TTY_TDD_PHONE": "TTY/TDD", "MOBILE": "Mobile", "LANDLINE": "Landline" }, "NOTIFICATIONS": { "ACTION_BOX": { "ACTIVE_CALL": "You already have an ongoing call", "INVALID_NUMBER": "Invalid number", "PULL_CALL_VIA": "Pull call from", "CALL_VIA": "Calling from", "BRAND_FAILED_CALL": "Myfone failed to initiate call", "BRAND_FAILED_CALL_RETRY": "The Myfone dial function failed to initiate, retrying… (retry {startAttempt} of {maxAttempts})", "BRAND_FAILED_CALL_REFRESH": "The Myfone dial function failed to initiate, refresh to try again… (retry {startAttempt} of {maxAttempts})", "BRAND_FAILED_REGISTER": "Myfone failed to register", "NO_PHONE": "Failed to initiate call due to no registered phone devices", "CONNECTION_PROBLEM_CALL": "Failed to initiate call due to connection issues", "CONNECTION_PROBLEM_ADD": "Failed to add to call due to connection issues", "CONNECTION_PROBLEM_ATTENDED_TRANSFER": "Failed to initiate attended transfer due to connection issues", "CALL_TO": "Calling", "CALL_FAILED": "Could not initiate call.", "CALL_FAILED_INVALIED_NUMBER": "Could not initiate call: Invalid number.", "CALL_FAILED_INVALIED_NUMBER_OR_DEVICE": "Calls in Myfone can only contain numbers, when the chosen calling device is either your mobile, desk phone or Microsoft Teams.", "TEAMS_WEB_BLOCKED": "Unable to make a call with the web-based version of Teams. Use the Teams desktop client instead." }, "CALENDAR": { "TIME_UPDATED": "Timeframes have been updated.", "TIME_UPDATED_FAILED": "An error occured while updating timeframes. Try again." }, "EMPLOYEE": { "MESSAGE_FAILED": "Message failed", "MESSAGE_SEND": "Message sent", "TRANSFER_FAILED": "Transfer failed", "CALLING": "Calling." }, "BLF": { "SETTING_SAVED_1": "Saved phone settings! The changes won’t be active until the phone is rebooted.", "SETTING_SAVED_2": "Your phone settings are now saved, and your phone is rebooting. Unplug the power supply and plug it back in, if the reboot hasn’t occurred automatically.", "SETTING_FAILED": "An error occurred and your settings have not been saved. Try again." }, "PROFILE": { "QUEUE_FAILED": "An error occurred while updating the queue. Try again.", "PROFILE_FAILED": "An error occurred while updating the profile. Try again.", "PROFILE_LOOP_FAILED": "Your profile settings contains a loop and cannot be saved. Remove the loop and try again.", "PROFILE_SWITCH_INVALID_DATE": "The profile switch could not be saved because the selected time is invalid.", "PROFILE_SWITCH_DELETED": "The scheduled profile switch has been deleted as you have switched to a different profile." }, "SETTINGS": { "PRESS_F5": "Press F5 to refresh the page and try again.", "SETTINGS_ERROR": "An error occurred in settings, try again!", "ACTIVE_SOFTPHONE_FAILED": "An error has occurred. Softphone activation failed", "DEACTIVATE_SOFTPHONE_FAILED": "An error has occurred. Softphone disabling failed", "DELETE_PROFILE_FAILED": "Error removing profile. Please try again" }, "USER": { "SAVED": "User credentials saved" }, "VOICEMAIL": { "EMAIL_SEND": "Email sent" } }, "CALENDAR": { "WITHOUT_CATEGORY": "Appointment without category" }, "EMPLOYEE_DETAILS": { "PLEASE_CALL": "Please call:", "PLEASE_CALL_MAIL_TEXT_1": "Hi", "PLEASE_CALL_MAIL_TEXT_2": "Please call:" } }